What Are You Grateful For?

Saying “Thank you” is powerful! Being Thankful is more powerful! The word gratitude means the feeling of being grateful or thankful! The feeling…I am not necessarily a proponent of being emotional or driven by your feelings, but in this case, concerning gratitude, the power of gratitude comes by way of your feelings. The minute you begin to remember the goodness of people, it will put a smile on your face. The minute you recognize that you are alive and well…and there are worse places and circumstances you can be in…in that moment, you allow gratitude to wash over your heart…you can’t stay in some negative feeling or frustration! It’s good to be alive! It’s great to have people around you who care deeply for you. Gratitude can shift you if you let it….

  • Gratitude can lift a person from depression!
  • Gratitude can change a frown into a smile!
  • Gratitude can shift the energy in a room!
  • Gratitude can reunite broken relationships!
  • Gratitude can repair broken hearts!
  • Gratitude can change your perspective on life and living!

Just saying “thank you”, can change the most challenging situation you might find yourself in. Writing it down and remembering what you are grateful for can change your paradigm – your attitude about life and difficulties you are going through. What Are You Grateful For?

Here are a few ways you can incorporate gratitude in your life on a daily basis:

  1. Write personal “thank you” notes – sit down and do it the old fashion way – pen and paper
  2. Call a friend or family member on the phone and tell them
  3. Write in your journal what you are thankful for each and every day
  4. Take a walk – a gratitude walk and remember – enjoy the world around you as you walk
  5. Acts of kindness – touch someone else by giving to them unexpectedly, for no reason other than gratitude

Saying “thank you” can be two of the most difficult words for people to speak and yet there is so much power in the acknowledgement of what these two words mean…to yourself and to others. What Are You Grateful For? Take a moment today and leave me a comment below…What Are You Grateful For? Share this post with others. I am on a mission of gratitude today!

3 thoughts on “What Are You Grateful For?

  1. I decided I would be the first to leave a comment today in hopes that others will join me by documenting what you are grateful for today. Come on, it won’t take that long…Here’s what I am grateful for:
    1. My two beautiful daughters who have added so much more to my life than I ever imagined possible
    2. My God who loves me and allows me to be…precisely who I am
    3. All of my spiritual children who are too many to number, they are each unique blessings from God and I will be forever grateful for each of them
    4. My amazing church where growth is an expectation…
    5. For my mother, my brother and my sister who I love deeply
    I am grateful for the skills and abilities that I know came from my creator – GOD himself and he has allowed me to use each and every one of them, including writing. Writing is a joy for me. I don’t do it nearly enough but as I rest today, I find myself desiring to find creative ways to include writing in my daily living. It is a release to share through my fingers what is in my heart! Blessings to each of you who read and to those who choose to leave a comment….Enjoy your day and remember to say “thank you” to someone, including God the Father who created you for such a time as this!


  2. Thank you for this post, Darlene. I forget to be grateful. You have just reminded me, so I called my very good friend immediately after reading your last words and told her how grateful I am for her friendship and how much I love her. 🙂

    Have a great day!


  3. Hi Sandiyee! Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment! I aspire to inspire and influence people to be the best they can be in all areas of their life! I am excited for your friend on the receiving end of your expression of gratitude! Yea!


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